Quiz: How well do you know Israeli food?

Israeli food is famous worldwide for its exciting blend of tastes and flavors. But how much do you really know about it? Try our quiz and find out.
Quiz Israeli Food
Israelis are known for their creativity, even in ice cream. What flavor is NOT on the Israeli menu?
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This meal has been dubbed “the Jewish State’s contribution to world cuisine” by the Cultures of the World book series.
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Which Israeli food was created by order of an Israeli prime minister?
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Which special food do Moroccan Israelis eat on Mimouna, the celebration held the day after Passover?
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Which city in Israel has more bakeries per capita than any other?
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Which Israeli-developed technology has revolutionized food production around the world?
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What popular Israeli breakfast staple is served on New York City streets from a food truck?
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What is “Café Hafuch”?
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How many donuts are eaten in Israel during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah?
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The price of what dairy food caused a social protest in Israel?
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